A personal fishing license is required for visitors to Costa Rica who plan to go fishing. Not every member of a party will need to purchase a Costa Rica fishing license, just those who plan to actually hold a rod and fight a fish. Non-anglers in a party who are along just for the ride are not required to purchase a license.
INCOPESCA offers an online form to purchase tourist fishing licenses. By clicking on the blue word Incopesca you will be taken to the page where you can purchase the licenses in either English or Spanish. The English option is on the left.

When you click on the English or Spanish version you will be able to add your details to obtain a license.

Note – the Effective Start Date of the fishing license needs to be typed in the format dd/mm/yyyy e.g. 20/04/2019
Once you have filled out the form and clicked on the “Process Request” button, you should be taken to the second page where you can add additional members of your party, remove entries made in error, and begin the checkout process. If you are ready to check out, then make sure your first and last names are in the correct fields of the lower form, and that you have entered a telephone number without spaces or dashes. The dropdown menus with “San Jose” may be ignored.
One you have entered your credit card details and clicked “Continue” you should have a successfull checkout process and you will see a receipt. For each of the Costa Rica fishing licenses that you purchased, there will be a blue download link (“Download”). Click this link for each of the licenses you purchased to download your license in PDF form. You can either print them or save them to your phone so you have access to them on the day of your fishing charter.
Let us know if you’d like any additional information or any help with licenses, or indeed anything else. You can get in touch via our contact page. We hope to see you soon!